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So, you want to become a surrogate?

Surrogacy can be more challenging than egg donation; But you don't have to worry, we'll explain relevant details below.

Not interested in becoming a surrogate? Contact us about our referral program.

Are you a parent interested in our surrogates? View our Surrogate Agency Program.

The Surrogacy Process

Let's see if you're eligible to become a surrogate.

Check to see if everything listed below applies to you.


My age is around 22-32.


I'm in generally good health.


I don't smoke and use drugs.


I haven't had any sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) in the past 12 months.


My body is in a relatively good shape.


I have clearance from an OB/GYN to become a surrogate.


I'm a US citizen.


I have a history of at least one successful and uncomplicated¹ pregnancy.

¹Deliveries by C-section is sometimes fine.

One more thing...

Your next step in joining our surrogacy program.

Surrogacy is a complex process so we don't want to miss out on any details. If you're interested and eligible in our surrogacy program please contact us and we'll explain it to you.

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